People often times think of wicker as the only material used to make the furniture. Reality wise, wicker is the process of forming the weaving pattern which is the basic anatomy of a wicker furniture.
Wicker furniture is made from a range of materials including rattan, bamboo, cane, and paper fiber. Because of this variety, wicker furniture also differs greatly in its appearance and durability.
Rattan is has been in used as furniture material since in time immemorial. Until today, it is the most popular choice to make a beautiful piece of wicker furniture. The solid stalk of rattan derived from the stem of the plant is used for furniture. Rattan is a very durable and versatile material. It is also very comfortable.
Although mistaken for a rattan often times, bamboo behaves differently from it. Its plant is hollow in the middle making it prone to breakage unlike rattan which is solid and can be heated and bent. Bamboo also has dark ridges which form part of the design when made into furniture pieces.
Cane also comes from the rattan plant. It is the second layer that can be derived once the thorny layer is removed. It is used to make the woven pattern using rattan stalks as its frame. Wicker furniture made of cane are not usually painted or stained to highlight the natural glossy characteristic of the cane.
Paper Fiber
Paper fiber is a man made material that resembles the properties of rope. It can easily be manipulated to form part of wicker furniture. The paper fiber reed is often strengthened by a wire inserted in its core.
A wide range of furniture pieces can be made using combinations of these materials. A lot of people fall in love with chairs, tables, beds, and smaller pieces like lamp shades, reclines, and hampers made from this material.
They are used from the garden to the living room, kitchen, bed room, and even the bathroom. With proper care, they highlight the gazebos, patios, gardens, and our porches.Designers use different materials and create very functional and versatile wicker furniture that makes our homes more pleasing to the eye.
If you are a homeowner, investing on wicker furniture is always a right decision. You get the value for your money since wicker furniture pieces can last for generations, but you have to do your share in keeping it in shape.