Rotan Furniture in Cirebon
By: Niez
Rotan (rattan) furniture is well known in Cirebon since 70’s. The Developing of the Rotan Furniture is very fast until now. Rattanland is one of Rotan Furniture company that develop very fast today. One of the main market of the Rotan furniture is Europe. Europe is taking a big part in the Rattan Furniture development in Indonesia. Since 70's European country has been imported Rotan furniture from Cirebon, and it is make the development of Rotan furniture getting faster every year. By having the business with European country, Indonesia now well known to the whole world.
Germany is one of the country that having a big influence in Indonesian and Rattanland market since a long time ago. We learn how to be creative and also making new idea in models and not only that Cirebon learn how to make rotan furniture more comfortable with European size, and also more beautiful with luxury or simple and also minimalist rotan furniture. It is not only chair, table and accessories, but it is also big furniture like cupboard, drawers, headboard, bed set and many other furnitures. The Development of Rotan furniture is getting fast every year, now Rattanland has sent to many countries even to small and remote countries like Cyprus, Barbados and many countries. Rotan furnitures in Cirebon has taking the big part of the Rotan Furniture sales in the whole world. Now Indonesia as rotan furniture exporter is having a very hard competitor, China now became one of the country that export rotan furniture to the world. That is why Indonesia has to be more creative and also always point to quality of the products.
Now is the time to make a marketing breakthrough to invite more customer to come and buy rotan furniture from Indonesia. If we are not ready to enter the global market we will be lost our opportunity to get the market in the world. We can not stop the development of rotan furniture, the rapid development force us to make some changes in managing rotan furniture. In Cirebon, especially Plumbon, you can see so many rotan furniture spread every inch, you can find many new factory and company all the way of the road in Plumbon. As a customer you have to more wisely to choose rotan furniture supplier, as there are so many rotan furniture company in Cirebon, but you have to choose the rotan furniture company with good reputation, beautiful designs and the best quality, and nice service.
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